1. leht 1-st

Volvo 245 on inglaste sõnul seksikaim auto

Postitatud: 13 Jaan 2008, 21:57
Postitas peeterk
Britain's sexiest car - the Volvo Estate!

The Volvo Estate has cast aside its boring image - by being voted the best car for having sex in the back seat.


It turns out the car has actually seen more action than any other - largely thanks to the extra space, according to a new survey.

And there was a boost for the white van man with the multi-purpose Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van in second place.

The survey of 4,000 people for yesinsurance.co.uk put the VW Camper van in third place, the BMW 3 Series Saloon in fourth and the Ford Escort in fifth.

According the pollsters, some 68% of people have had sex in a car and one in 10 say they had even got fruity while driving.

Six per cent said they had damaged their vehicles while getting busy - but only one in 100 of these were bold enough to claim on their insurance.

A yesinsurance.co.uk spokesman said: "It would seem that space is the most important issue for couples who want to enjoy themselves."

Meanwhile, another survey found that more than a million motorists think about sex rather than the road ahead.

Research from car insurer More Than found one in five drivers admit to concentrating behind the wheel less than 75% of the time, with 1.2 million thinking mostly about sex.

For 3.2 million drivers work was the main focus and for 2 million more it was family issues that dominated.

Link artikli originaalile http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2023911.html?menu=news.quirkies.sexlife
Jutt käib muidugi "Volvo Estate" teemadel, aga ilmselt seostub just 200 seeria universaal inglastele ja ameeriklastele sõnaga Estate.

Postitatud: 13 Jaan 2008, 22:11
Postitas volvo245
:D :thumbsup:

Postitatud: 14 Jaan 2008, 19:26
Postitas supp
peaks ka kirjutama uuringu: "Kolmeukselise 200-se sedaani mõju meeste suguelule", lõpulause võiks olla selline: "küsitlesime 99%-i volvo 243 omanikest ning ei avastasime, et neil on regulaarne suguelu - koguaeg ilma" :D

Postitatud: 14 Jaan 2008, 20:37
Postitas Romm
:/ kui just mitte 100% :lol:

Postitatud: 14 Jaan 2008, 20:44
Postitas Volli
.... koguaeg ilma" :D
ongi ju 100% (ilma) :wink: